Glen Eyrie is undertaking a multi-year upgrade to the Castle to improve our guest experience. Learn more.


Become a part of Glen Eyrie


Become a Part of The Glen Eyrie Ministry

We are excited that you are interested in helping Glen Eyrie minister to people in the name of Jesus by supporting us with a donation!

Friends of The Glen

Every Castle must have a firm foundation. At Glen Eyrie that firm foundation is You. As a Friend of the Glen you are the support, the solid base, that helps ministry happen here on this awe-inspiring property. With your gift to Friends of The Glen, you are allowing our guests to experience God in intimate and personal ways as they seek Him in their own circumstances on these hallowed grounds.

Extend the Legacy

$5 Million in 5 Years

For over 50 years, Glen Eyrie has served as a retreat and “home base” for people eager to grow and serve the Lord Jesus. Leaders worldwide come away from this stunning valley in the rugged Rockies both renewed and challenged for greater service in the Kingdom.

Extend the Legacy is more than just a fund to support our daily operations. It is a strategic three phase endeavor that addresses the necessary (yet costly) infrastructure that is the backbone to providing thoughtful, timeless experiences for all of our guests. We believe God has uniquely called us to this ministry, but we need your help to ensure the legacy continues for generations to come.

Scholarship Fund

We never want to turn away a guest from attending one of our inspiring programs because of finances. The Glen Eyrie Scholarship Fund ensures individuals are able to participate in life-changing programs, allowing them the time and space to connect with God while growing personally and spiritually. The heart of our ministry is to serve God’s people, empowering and equipping them to a deeper walk with Jesus, but we just don’t have the means to offer our programs for free. Would you consider giving today? Your gift will go directly toward scholarshipping someone in need of an unforgettable time with God. Give today to support others in need.

To donate online, you will leave the Glen Eyrie site and be re-directed to The Navigators’ online donation site. The Navigators is the parent organization of Glen Eyrie. To learn more about The Navigators, visit www.navigators.org.